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如果我没有记错的话, format /u 后面好像没有没有这个参数吧! secure data disposal的删除数据是可以达到美国军方的要求的。format是无论如何也不能跟他比,最多只能说是功能相似罢了。






原帖由 guofeng101245 于 2008-12-18 15:35 发表
这个软件是用来安全删除硬盘内所用数据,并且采取了特殊的方法,保证删除后数据不能恢复. 至于使用方法见软件里面的帮助!

那不就是跟不能回复的格式化差不多,是不是相当于在format 后面加了一个  /u




上面是secure data disposal的使用方法说明 。由于本人英语水平有限,就不献丑了,大家凑和着看吧!如有人帮忙翻译,先谢谢了!


This program runs as a command under the system’s DOS operating system. It permanently erases all data on one or more hard disk drives that are installed on the system computer.

Command line:
SCRUB3 [/?] | [[/Q=NO] [/S=NO] { /D=<drive> | /D=ALL } { /L=<level> | /W=<writes> [/P=<string>] } ]

This parameter causes the program to display a maximal number of
messages on STDOUT. It is intended to be used for in-the-field debugging only, and a customer should normally not use this parameter. If present, this parameter should be the first (i.e., leftmost) parameter.

This parameter causes the program not to write the scrub signature to the disk(s) that will be erased.

Use this form of the /D parameter if you want to erase only one hard drive that is installed on the system computer. The value <drive> is the hard disk drive number of the drive that you want to erase. 1 is the first hard disk drive, 2 is the second hard disk drive, etc. There is no default value for this parameter. The /D parameter is required.

Use this form of the /D parameter if you want to erase all hard disk drives that are installed on the system computer. There is no default value for this parameter. The /D parameter is required.

The value <level> is the security level of the disposal operation. There is no default value for this parameter. Exactly one of the /L parameter or the /W parameter is required. It must be one of the following values:

Limited security. The first 63 sectors on the drive (includes Master
Boot Record), the last 2 sectors on the drive, and the first 100 sectors on each partition are overwritten with a 0x0000 pattern (i.e., each pair of bytes on the sector is overwritten with this pattern). This operation is very fast. The hard disk drive will not be usable via standard I/O methods. However, this is not a secure operation in an absolute sense, since it leaves most of the partitions on the hard drive unchanged.

Medium security. All sectors on the drive are overwritten 1 time with a 0x0000 pattern (i.e., each pair of bytes on the sector is overwritten with this pattern). This operation is relatively slow, since it involves many write operations. Actual speed depends on the size and speed of the target hard disk drives.

High security. All sectors on the drive are overwritten 4 times with the following patterns (in this order): a random pattern, the bit-wise complement of that random pattern, a different random pattern, and a 0x0000 pattern (i.e., each pair of bytes on the sector is overwritten with these patterns). This operation is quite slow, and it takes 4 times as long as a /L=2 operation.

DOD-compliant security. All sectors on the drive are overwritten 7 times with the following patterns (in this order): a random pattern, the bit-wise complement of that random pattern (3 times, each with
a different random pattern), and a 0x0000 pattern (i.e., each pair of bytes on the sector is overwritten with these patterns). This operation is quite slow, and it takes 7 times as long as a /L=2 operation.

The value <writes> is the number of times each sector is overwritten (done <writes> - 1 times with a random pattern, before a final write with a 0x0000 pattern). <writes> is an integer from 1 to 9999. There is no default value for this parameter. Exactly one of the /L parameter or the /W parameter is required.

The <string> value can contain any character except for quotes due to command line restrictions.
The length of the string can be 1 to 64 characters in length.
This parameter must be used in conjunction with the /W parameter.
When used, it will replace the final overwrite pattern of 0x0000 with the specified string.

This parameter causes the program to display a concise description of its execution syntax on STDOUT and then to terminate execution. If you run SCRUB.EXE with no parameters, it will display this same output. /? causes all other parameters to be ignored.


该程序是基于 IBM PC-DOS的程序,首先用下载下来的程序安装,然后在安装程序目录中有一个iso的目录,把里面的iso文件用光盘刻录软件刻录成可引导光盘(通常使用nero),最后重新启动电脑然后用刚才的光盘引导系统,根据提示选择操作就可以了。不过要慎重操作,否则硬盘的数据丢失是找不回来的哦,希望慎重使用。



